E-CORRIDOR aims at providing a flexible, secure and privacy-aware framework allowing confidential, distributed and edge-enabled security services, as threat analysis and prevention as well as privacy-aware seamless access, in multimodal transport systems.
E-CORRIDOR’s mission is to define a framework for multi-modal transport systems, which provides secure advanced services for passengers and transport operators. The framework includes collaborative privacy-aware edge-enabled information sharing, analysis and protection as a service.
The project plans to show the applicability of this framework in at least two domains:
(i) collaborative and confidential cyber threat management;
(ii) seamless access mechanism in multimodal transport systems.
Platform & Infrastructure
The E-CORRIDOR platform is mainly based on Information Sharing Infrastructure (ISI) and Information Analysis Infrastructure (IAI) that can be deployed in several ways and on several devices (from cloud to mobile devices).
This concept extends the one developed in the C3ISP project (where several prosumers offer controlled data to a centralized analytics service) to a fully decentralized environment.
Analytics & Security Services
In E-CORRIDOR, enhanced analytics power can be used to more easily collect information from several sources (due to enhanced control on the shared data) as well as allow more complex privacy-preserving authentication operations. Privacy-preserving analytics, as well as advanced security mechanisms for authentication and access/usage control, will be deployed to enable security as a service.
Data Analytics Techniques
E-CORRIDOR will perform activities of design, implementation and maturation of data analytics, which can be used both for cybersecurity data analysis and to provide services to final users and transport companies.
The following data analytics techniques and service will be provided:
1. Data analytics for driver identification (led by UTRC)
2. Privacy-preserving itinerary planning and carbon footprint analysis (led by TSSG, WIT)
3. Privacy-preserving (Security) analytics (led by CEA)
4. Intrusion detection technologies (led by UTRC)
Partners: UTRC, PEC, CEA, WIT, FhG, CNR
Advanced Security Services
E-CORRIDOR will integrate tools and technologies for advanced security services using the previously defined infrastructures.
The following advanced security services will be provided:
1. Privacy-aware seamless multimodal authentication (led by UTRC)
2. Continuous behavioural authentication (led by UTRC)
3. Privacy-aware interest-based service sharing (led by CEA)
4. Privacy-aware authorization (led by CEA)
5. Secure Identity Management (led by FhG)
The framework and the services developed will be used to deliver three pilot products for:
The E-CORRIDOR project consortium comprises of 15 European partners across 5 countries.
The consortium combines strong industry players from several sectors, with equally strong research institutions which will deliver high quality innovation; it is also supported by SMEs and adopters of the technologies developed (as well as a National CERT)