NGI Explorers – An EU-USA Webinar on Smart Cities & Regions for International Collaboration
The webinar is organised by NIST (USA) and NGI Explorers (EU) for the international smart cities and regions community. In this webinar, we are going to briefly discuss the future for Smart Cities in Europe and USA and introduce an initiative funded by NGI Explorers (EU Fellowships to the US) on how technologies like IoT, AI, Big Data and others can be used for smart city innovation. A focus part on this webinar is an introduction of innovative results in the field of Smart City KPI Methods for Measuring the impact of the technology in cities and also as a Self-Assessment method for evaluating community impact or digital inclusion. We will briefly discuss a roadmap for this innovation and finally how a smart city in Ireland (as an example) is following the methodology to advance in their Smart City development strategy.
More information related to this event can be found at the ScaleUp KPI Explorer Section at this website:
People interested in attending can register using the following Link:
On December 11th, 2020 at 14:00 Hrs UTC, use this link to connect to the webinar: