Seminar on cyber security and privacy for multimodal transport
Supported by the EU projects CS4E, E-CORRIDOR, ECHO, CITYSCAPE and SPARTA.
Agenda for sept. 1 2021. Venue MS Teams: Click here to join the meeting
Morning session (10.00-13.00)
- Herve Debar (IMT/SPARTA) : Overview of CAPE program of SPARTA on transport
- Sébastien Dupont (CETIC/SPARTA) : Securing platoon firewall updates
- Yuri Gil Dantas (FORTISS/SPARTA) & Estibaliz Amparan (TECNALIA/SPARTA) : A Cyber-Security Evaluation of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
- Fabio Martinelli (CNR/E-CORRIDOR) : Overview of E-CORRIDOR
- Artsiom Yautsiukhin (CNR/E-CORRIDOR): Risk management for automotive
- Roland Rieke (Fraunhofer/E-CORRIDOR) : Machine learning based security analysis capabilities for multi-modal transport applications
Afternoon session (15.00 – 17.30)
- Marco Devincenzi (CNR/E-CORRIDOR) : A privacy-preserving solution for automotive customized services
- Stefano Sebastio (Collins ART/E-CORRIDOR) : Authentication and Security Services for Seamless Airport and Train Multi-Modal Journeys
- Panos Kotzanikolau and Christos Grigoriadis (U. Pireus/CS4E): Integrating and Validating Maritime Transport Security Services: Initial results from the CyberSec4Europedemonstrator
- Nikolai Stoianov (ECHO) & Marco Pappalardo (ECHO) : ECHO Multisector Assessment Framework (EMAF) and its application in multimodal transport
- Alkiviadis Giannakoulias, Paraskevi Plagaki (ED/CITYSCAPE): Overview of CitySCAPE and Risk Assessment Approach